Cathy Crescendo

Okay I know Crystal just posted her band from last week, but I had to write about these guys before they wound up with more than 1500 friends. As of right this second they have 1494 friends, so I don't want to take the chance waiting on them. That's also the reason the blog will have two so-called Christian bands in a row. It's not that this is a Christian music blog, it's that I wanted to hurry up and feature these guys because they're great. Oh, and no they aren't girls.

Cathy Crescendo's songs (lyric-wise) are a lot like Relient K's. Some of the songs talk about Jesus and God's love, while the others just talk about hope and love in general. All the songs are awesome though, and their influences which range from Simon and Garfunkel to Jimmy Eat World can be heard through all of their music. I also thought the bio about their lead singer Jacob Champlin was funny, and had to post a bit of it below:

Jacob Champlin will be your friend. It is unavoidable. He's too magnetic, too disarming, too … friendly.
Not only will he be your friend, you will like that he's your friend. Even if you live in a cave in the middle of the mountains hoping to never see another human soul again, when Jacob comes knocking on the rocks outside that cave, you will find yourself inviting him in for tea and before you know it he will have kicked off his shoes and you will have pulled out your extra, just-in-case blanket and he will be staying the night.
He is innately engaging; he must have come out of the womb smiling and ready to shake the doctor's hand. And his songs are the same. They invite you in to tell you tales of illegal parking and cats in doorways and before you know it you've taken off your jacket and slung it over the back of the chair you're sitting in and you've kicked up your oh-so-tired dogs on the ottoman and you are staying for dinner.

And it's true! Jacob's voice draws you into the story of each song, and his thoughtful lyrics make you feel like you're walking away with new insight to life. His song The Bright Branching (which is available for a free download on Indie Vision) has become a regular listen on my mp3 player, and I intend to get their cd as soon as I get some money. Yay for broke bloggers! (Try saying THAT ten times fast)

Click here to have a listen.

Thank you for for your patience.



ZeromeYZL said...

do you know where to find lyrics to his song Can't Breathe? need help! thanks!

Lanna said...

i have absolutely no clue, unfortunately. most artists are really nice however, and if you shoot them a message on myspace asking for them they're usually kind enough to reply! jacob seems like he'd be the type to do so, so i'd say it's worth a shot :)

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