Oh Geez...

I apologize to anyone who might have been reading us (Pfft! Who am I kidding...us, having readers?). I know there hasn't been a post in nearly a month, and that's because of two things really. One, is that I've been busy and Crystal has been sick AND busy. Oh and my phone (which is pretty much my only way online) got cut off one week...that was fun. Hah.

And the second reason there have been no posts is that when we DO have time to look for artists, we're having a hard time finding anything that is:
A) less than 1500 friends
B) good enough for our terribly picky ears

So, I asked Crystal about this and we've decided that it would be best for everyone if we raised our minimum number to 3000 friends for the time being. That number may get raised again, but for right now we think it will be sufficient to keep us going.

All of that said, I do not have a new artist for you guys today...but I'll be working on it for later this week. Keep your eyes open!  :)



Priya said...

I just wanted to let you both now that I just found this site (randomly, while searching for something for a design and computer processes project), and I really am loving it. Cathy Crescendo and Hey Euphony are absolutely amazing, and I'm so glad I know about them now. Thanks for putting all this up! :)

Lanna said...

EEE! That just made my day so much better :)
Thank you so, so much for letting us know we're not doing this for nothing!

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