I would like to welcome you to No Name Fame, where me (Lanna) and my friend Crystal are going to feature two new, awesome bands each week. When we search for our featured artists, we will be looking for bands with less than 1500 friends, (or sometimes a *little* more, if they are exceptionally good) as stated on their myspace page. We're looking to promote the bands that just aren't that well known, but certainly deserve to be. With each post, we'll give you a little info about the band and a link to their page, where you can hear them. Be sure to let us know what you think of the bands each week by commenting on the posts!

And that brings us to our first artist --


I was doing my usual form of music searching, clicking from band to band through top friends lists, and simply wasn't turning up anything...until I found Aubrey. She's only fourteen, has an extremely mature sound, and from what I gather she writes and records everything on her page herself (other than any covers she has up at the moment). Her sound reminds me a bit of Badly Drawn Boy, and her lyrics are straight and real, maybe even stories from her own life. She's definitely worth a listen, just follow the link here.



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