Best Kept Secret #1

Theeeese guys are a band that I've been listening to for so long that I don't remember where or how I found them. The Classic Crime has this sound like something from the late 90's-early 2000's (which, I believe, is when about 85% of good music died out). Deep, thoughtful lyrics on life and death, love and loss, struggles with addiction, and everything in-between make for what's not always a "pretty" picture but certainly a masterpiece. Raw emotion pours out as lead singer Matt Macdonald screams on one track,
"I know there's more to life than slavery, I'm tired of dyin',
           I know there's more to life than drinkin' this soul sick medicine."

You can tell these guys actually give a rip about the music they're making. Macdonald has written before about how discouraging it is to be a small band, but that doesn't seem to matter, if anything that seems to push him to put even more depth and meaning into his lyrics as he pours out his heart on paper. They're not out just to make music so people think they're cool, every note is thought out and has a purpose...which is what I long for in the music industry today.

The band has also been both raising money for and volunteering in Haiti, sending 100% of the profits of the pre-order of their new album Vagabonds (out in April) to the cause, and they've already raised over $3000. So, big hearts + big music = big need for you guys to check out The Classic Crime.



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